CL ELISA Testing Delays:
The Caseous Lymphadenitis (CL), caused by Corynebacterium pseudotuberulosis, ELISA is backordered and is not expected to arrive till April. We suspect this is due to pandemic-related staffing and material shortages. This kit is the only kit available for CL ELISA diagnostics and we have no alternative serology method for testing at the WVDL. Because of this, we are going to start running the CL ELISA every-other-week to conserve the tests that we do have available. The first delayed test will be Wednesday, February 2 and then we will be running this ELISA every-other-Wednesday until April. The WVDL will continue to provide culture for C. pseudotuberulosis daily. The WVDL thanks you for your patience as we navigate these pandemic-related issues.