Mastitis: Milk Culture Interpretation Guidelines

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Contagious Pathogens-Infection with contagious pathogens occurs from the milk of other infected animals. These infections can be prevented with proper milking hygiene including post-milking teat disinfection, milking infected animals last and effective management of clinical cases.
Streptococcus agalactiae
Streptococcus uberis
Gram-positive, Coagulase-positive
Staphylococus aureus
Mycoplasma sp.
Prototheca sp.
Environmental Pathogens-Infection with environmental pathogens occurs from bacteria entering the teat end from dirt, manure, bedding, milking machines that have been contaminated with these pathogens. These infections can be prevented with proper hygiene, milk machine maintenance and pre-milking teat disinfection.