Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I contact a WVDL staff veterinarian or other staff? What if I don’t know who should handle my question?

A. All service inquires should be from a veterinarian or their staff. Please phone our receptionist at your nearest lab, explain your need, and ask them to connect you with the most appropriate person. Additionally, you may send e-mail to and it will get routed to the appropriate person.

  • For Madison, phone (608) 262-5432, or Toll Free (800) 608-8387.
  • For Barron, phone (715) 637-3151, or Toll Free (800) 771-8387.


Q. How do I make a submission to the lab?

A. All submissions must be made through a veterinarian. New veterinary customers should phone the lab first.

Q. How do I know if my submission was received by the lab?

A. In general our information system automatically sends a confirmation of sample receipt. It will detail your submission information and provide an Accession Number for reference. An exception is that a sample receipt report will not be sent for certain tests that are performed and reported out the same day as samples arrive (e.g., EIA tests).

Q. How do I receive my lab test results?

A. WVDL sends result reports via email and FAX. For a fee we will also “snail-mail” result reports for finalized accessions through the US Postal Service for any client who has neither email nor FAX capabilities. E-mail is by far the most efficient for result reports.

Q. How do I receive my preliminary test results?

A. If a test that was performed has useful preliminary results, they can be sent via e-mail or FAX. Be sure to indicate on your submission form that you desire preliminary result reports for specified tests.

Q. What are your prices and how can I pay?

A. Prices are subject to change (see Test & Fees). We accept payments by various methods. The easiest way for both you and the WVDL is for you pay by credit card using the “Pay Bill” button at the bottom of the WVDL home page. Please phone the WVDL Finance section if you have any questions.

Q. Who will win the next game?

A. Although it is a Frequently Asked Question, WVDL staff may not know for sure. We remain a hot bed of unbridled optimism.