Should I submit directly or through my state agency?
You may want to submit through your state agency if your state offers free or affordable testing.
You may want to submit directly if you live in an area where it it difficult to submit through the state.
You will need:
- a hard-sided shipping container or cooler
- a gel ice pack
- zip-top bags
Sample Type | Cost of ELISA Test |
Lymph Nodes | $23.25 Wisconsin / $24.06 Out of state |
Whole Head | $75.56 (includes lymph node extraction and head disposal) |
We will invoice you for payment after we complete the testing.
Lymph Node Submission
- After you remove both of the lymph nodes, double bag them using zip-lock bags. If you have multiple deer, package each set of lymph nodes in separate bags.
- Label each zip-lock bag with the:
- date of collection
- first and last name of both the landowner and hunter
- sample number, starting with #1
- Put the bags in the freezer until it is time to ship. Freezing prevents decomposition. You must freeze the samples before shipping.
Whole Head Submission
- Remove the head from the body, leaving about 4 inches of the neck attached.
- Before double-bagging the head, label each outer bag with the:
- date of collection
- first and last name of both the landowner and hunter
- sample number, starting with #1
- Double-bag the head in plastic bags and tie off or zip tie each bag to seal.
- Freeze the head until you’re ready to ship it.
Contact Dan Barr at:

- On day of shipment, put the frozen lymph nodes or head in a hard-sided shipping container or cooler.
- Fill out a CWD Test Submission Form found for each sample. You must fill out the submission form completely.
- The numbers on the form must match the information on the bag(s).
- Put the submission form(s) in a separate bag and then in the shipping container with the sample(s).
- Include a frozen gel pack to keep the sample cool. Please do not use regular ice because it will melt and damage the contents.
- Pack the container with paper towel or newspaper to keep contents from moving.
- Ship to:
445 Easterday Lane
Madison, WI 53706
- On the day you ship the samples, tell us by emailing and Include the number of samples and the shipment tracking number.
- Only ship the samples Monday through Thursday to avoid the package sitting over the weekend, causing sample decomposition.

Testing and Reporting
- It may take us up to two weeks to report CWD results.
- We will report CWD test results to both you and the DNR.