Betsy Elsmo

Credentials: DVM, Dipl. ACVP

Position title: Clinical Associate Professor & Veterinary Anatomic Pathologist


Phone: 608-262-5432

Dr. Elsmo joined the WVDL staff in August of 2017, accepting a dual appointment as a Diagnostic Pathologist (WVDL) and Clinical Instructor at the UW School of Veterinary Medicine (SVM). She earned both her bachelor’s degree in Wildlife Ecology (2008) and her DVM (2013) from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her residency in Anatomic Pathology (2013-2016), was a joint appointment at the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine and Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study, where she specialized in wildlife pathology. Her special interests include infectious disease, wildlife health and avian pathology.