Updates to serum neutralization assays

Serum neutralizations will be routinely screened and reported at the screening dilution listed in the chart below.  If an endpoint dilution is desired, that test code must specifically requested on the submission form.

Assay Screening test code Screening dilution Endpoint test code Endpoint dilution
BVDV 1 & 2 SN 40108 1:8 40121 1:8192
EHDV 1 & 2 SN 40134 1:8 40147 1:8192

*Any result POS @>=1:32 is referred to NVSL for confirmation.

40160 1:32 N/A N/A
OIE method for BHV-1 (IBR) SN 40069 1:8 40082 1:2048

*Should only be used for diagnostic or abortion cases.

N/A N/A 40056 1:8192


40108    Bovine viral diarrhea virus Type 1 & Type 2 Serum Neutralization

40121    Bovine viral diarrhea virus Type 1 & Type 2 Serum Neutralization (titered to endpoint)

40134    Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus Type 1 & Type 2 Serum Neutralization

40147    Epizootic hemorrhagic disease virus Type 1 & Type 2 Serum Neutralization (titered to endpoint)

40160    Vesicular stomatitis virus strain New Jersey & Indiana Serum Neutralization

40069    Bovine herpesvirus Type 1 Serum Neutralization (OIE Method)

40082    Bovine herpesvirus Type 1 Serum Neutralization (OIE Method) (titered to endpoint)

40056    Bovine herpesvirus Type 1 Serum Neutralization (titered to endpoint)